Daily Archives: August 4, 2009

Lots to Catch Up On

Oops – No post in a week but lots of betting activity to catch up on.  Plenty of it interesting but none of it profitable for me.

July was a catastrophe for the Major, nothing went right.  The lovely thing is that August is a new start and we can set the monthly profit and loss counter to zero again!

The July contest was won by Ade.  His last bets which were emailed to me but not posted were a £500 ew on river Captain which placed ast 14/1 giving a £2250 return on his £1000 bet.

His final bet of £1000 lost leaving an account balance of £3213.  Neither of us can be proud having jointly lost £7800 but Ade has cause to be less embarassed and wins the Guiness.

Although I did not have time to post, I did fancy Perfect Truth yesterday who was involved in Corks Group 3.  It came second at 7/2.

If there is one thing I have learned it is that you have to bet your way out of a losing streak and I fully intend to!